Explica Dansa

  • Altres

Toni Jodar

Dance is a language. Perhaps that is why dancers often find it difficult to explain in words what they do on stage. But some set themselves the challenge of revealing the secrets of what is a significant, sensory, perfectly intelligible language to the audience in a simple, enjoyable way. One such is Toni Jodar, an artist who uses all his experience and sense of humour in a performance that demonstrates the evolution from classical to contemporary dance, illustrating the different genres and styles in which the body expresses itself. You will listen to Toni Jodar and see recorded examples by leading companies before taking part in a debate that will enable you to learn more about the enthralling world of dance.

Artistic card

Concepte: Toni Jodar, Beatriu Daniel; Guió: Toni Jodar, Beatriu Daniel; Intèrpret: Toni Jodar; Dramatúrgia: Víctor Molina; Adaptació a escena: Ana Teixidó, Víctor Molina; Traducció a l'anglès: Victoria Macarte, Núria Gregori; Imatge: Toni Roura; Fotografia: Anna Padrós; Direcció del projecte: Bddansa / Beatriu Daniel; Comunicació: Núria Llorach/Culturae i Gerard Ramon Umésdos; Producció: Anna Ibarz; Management: Bddansa/Beatriu Daniel;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    7 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    90 min
  • Price