
  • Teatre

T de Teatre / Julio Manrique

Pain can take many forms, from the physical to the spiritual. The four characters tell us about it in this play, in the form of a comedy-drama.

E.V.A. is the Catalan acronym for the visual analog scale of pain (V.A.S. in English), a line marked with ten points used to measure the degree of pain a particular subject experiences. E.V.A. is also the title of a comedy-drama with which T de Teatre invite us to think about pain. They speak to us of the poetry that sometimes accompanies it and present us with a list of the different forms it takes based on the stories of four old school friends: an actress who suffers a mental block and can’t sing; an anaesthetist – an expert on V.A.S. – who has ended up anaesthetizing her feelings; a single mother about to let her daughter (Eva!) fly the nest, and an estate agent who has never dared to make her own choices in life.

The members of T de Teatre, a company this year celebrating 25 years of existence, share with the audience the various pains that these women suffer. Since T de Teatre was formed, the company has created a dozen or so shows such as Petits contes misògins, Homes! and Criatures. Always ready to broaden and enrich their horizons, they have worked with directors such as Javier Daulte (Com pot ser que t’estimi tant), Alfredo Sanzol (Delicades, Aventura!), Pau Miró (Dones com jo) and Ciro Zorzoli (Premis i càstigs). Now they place themselves at the orders of Julio Manrique in a play written by the director together with Marc Artigau (Ushuaïa, T’estimem tant, Grace) and the actress, translator and playwright Cristina Genebat (Santa Nit).

Artistic card

Autoria: Marc Artigau, Cristina Genebat i Julio Manrique; Direcció: Julio Manrique; Interpretació: Rosa Gàmiz, Carolina Morro, Marta Pérez, Carme Pla, Albert Ribalta, Jordi Rico, €gata Roca ; Escenografia: Alejandro Andújar ; Vestuari: Maria Armengol; Disseny d'il€luminació: Jaume Ventura; Música: Marco Mezquida; Disseny del so: Damien Bazin; Vídeo: Francesc Isern; Ajudantia de direcció: Marc Artigau; Producció executiva i gerència: Daniel López-Orós; Fotografia: David Ruano;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Tuesday to Friday, 8.30 p.m.; Saturday, 6.30 and 9.30 p.m.; Sunday, 6.30 p.m.
  • Space

    Teatre Romea

    Carrer de l'Hospital, 51, 08001 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    105 min
  • Price
    17-28 €