Estat d’emergència

  • Circ

What are the experiences of young circus artists who live in a complex world on the point of collapse? And how do they convey them to the public? The first National Circus Production aims to answer all this, through acrobatics and other techniques.

In December 2019, the Catalan government’s Ministry of Culture and the Catalan Association of Circus Professionals (APCC) agreed to a Catalan Circus-Promotion Plan aimed at boosting activities in this sector of the performing arts and which was meant to include eleven measures that would be deployed up to 2021. One of these measures was the creation of the first National Circus Production premièring at the Grec 2020 Festival de Barcelona and which will later tour some fifteen Catalan public stages. It is being directed by circus artists with a long international career and a production chosen through a public competition. The show features a set of up-and-coming artists chosen for their acrobatic excellence and inter-disciplinary skills. They demonstrate their talent through several circus techniques in the ring, of course, but they also explain to spectators how they live, in a world where they have to face up to ecological collapse, the rise of fascism and the housing crisis. A minimalist and functional stage design and a use of video coexisting with the circus and complementing its language are the basis of a show that aims to take an in-depth look at the paths of documentary circus and which takes as references theatre production aesthetics which, like Milo Rau's, are founded on reality itself.
This first National Circus Production was conceived and directed by Joan Ramon Graell, an expert trapeze artist who was trained at the Superior School of Circus Arts (ESAC) and who, among numerous other productions, has worked on Rodó and Invisibles (both from the Ateneu Popular 9 Barris Winter Circus), and in Homeland, directed by Roberto Oliván. In addition, he has also collaborated with other companies such as the Circ Cric, Cirque Hirsute and Los2Play and has considerable experience in the field of social and cooperative circuses.
A Grec 2020 Festival de Barcelona and Catalan government Ministry of Culture co-production.
In cooperation with La Vela de l'Estruch de l'Ajuntament de Sabadell.
Artistic residences: La Central del Circ and Teatre Principal de Sabadell

Artistic card

Directed by: Joan Ramon Graell, with the assistance of Joan Arqué and Špela Vodeb Author: collective creation Dramaturgy: Joan Arqué Movement: Špela Vodeb Performed by: Maria Palma Borràs, Lara Renard García, Carlos Francos Peré, Gabriel Salaün Rivalland, Júlia Clarà Badosa, Raimon Mató Rabassedas, Bruno Toso del Valle Lighting and stage space: Adrià Pinar Music composition: Xavier Janué (The Built in Band), Sergi Fàbregas, Lorenzo Porcaro (Singleview) Voice-over: Roser Borràs Batlle, iaia Joanita Sound design: Roger Julià Costumes: Rosa Lugo Fàbregas Photography: Marta Garcia Cardellach Video design: Julià Rocha Pujol Executive producer: Col·lectiu La Persiana / Griselda Juncà Head of production: Téntol / Clara Matas Technical coordination: Rat Serra Trainee student (ERAM): Aram Pou AknowledgementsAdriana Partal , Leandre Ribera, Escola de Circ Rogelio Rivel, Cia Voël, Cia. Hotel Iocandi, Tub d'Assaig, Manel Rosés.


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    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona