Espai vital (Lebensraum)

  • Teatre

Jakop Ahlbom and Alamo Race Track

The magic of mime, silent movies and slapstick, brought onstage in a theatrical production rich in humour and extraordinary technical ability. Lebensraum showcases the talent of Jakop Ahlbom, who creates an imaginary, surreal world that obeys its own logic.

A bed-piano, a bookshelf-fridge, an astounding repertoire of leaps, falls and blows, non-stop action with doors opening, closing, revolving…  Is it a Buster Keaton movie? Well, it could be, because the room from Keaton’s short film Scarecrow is reproduced on stage. In fact, this is a play that takes its inspiration from the world of slapstick and is packed with surprising images, virtuoso skill and moving humour. Lebensraum (“space” or “room” in German) tells the story of two men who live in a tiny room and decide to create a mechanical cleaning lady to make life easier. However, it turns out that the robot has her own opinions, and tension grows as the space gets smaller and smaller. Theatre, mime, choreographed movement… And where is the pianist who accompanied silent movie showings? Well, there isn’t one. Instead, we have live music from Alamo Race Track, a band that has worked with Ahlbom on several occasions.

Artistic card

Dramatúrgia: Judith Wendel; Direcció: Jakop Ahlbom; Concepte: Jakop Ahlbom, Reinier Schimmel, Silke Hundertmark, Leonard Lucieer, Ralph Mulder; Intèrprets: Jakop Ahlbom, Reinier Schimmel, Silke Hundertmark, Leonard Lucieer, Ralph Mulder; Música: Alamo Race Track (Ralph Mulder, Leonard Lucieer); Escenografia: Douwe Hibma, Jakop Ahlbom; Moviment: Jakop Ahlbom; Disseny d'il·luminació: Yuri Schreuders; Tècnic: Yuri Schreuders, Allard Vonk, Remco Gianotten; Producció: Alles voor de Kunsten, Wilma Kuite; Funcionament de la nina: Robs Propshop; Mànager a Espanya: Ysarca Art Promotions - Pilar de Yzaguirre; Mànager de la gira: Global Performing Arts Group;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8.30 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
    70 min (no interval)
  • Price