El testamento de María

  • Teatre

Colm Tóibín / Agustí Villaronga / Blanca Portillo / Frederic Amat

The actress Blanca Portillo features in this daring reimagining of the life of Mary, mother of Jesus of Nazareth, presenting her as a simple countrywoman whose only child who has been snatched from her by a divine decision that she cannot comprehend.

The Irish writer Colm Tóibín, an author with strong ties to Catalonia, presents a surprising theatrical monologue that features a pagan Mary living out her last days in Ephesus. Tormented by the terrible hate that was unleashed against Jesus and watched over by her son’s disciples, whose fanaticism disgusts her, Mary knows that some of these disciples are writing lies about what happened in Jerusalem, and therefore sets out to tell us the true story of those events. The Testament of Mary received three Tony Award nominations this year. Now, director Agustí Villaronga stages a version of this work, which shows the most human face of the mother of Christ, a woman close to death who reveals a veritable kaleidoscope of emotions as she revisits the ghosts of her past. The artist Frederic Amat designed the set, whilst the piece also features music by the Australian singer-songwriter Lisa Gerrard (Dead Can Dance).

Artistic card

Autoria: Colm Tóibín; Traducció: Enrique Juncosa; Versió i adaptació: Agustí Villaronga; Direcció: Agustí Villaronga; Intèrpret: Blanca Portillo; Escenografia: Frederic Amat; Composició musical: Lisa Gerrard; Vestuari: Mercè Paloma; Disseny d'il·luminació: Josep María Civit; Disseny de so: Lucas Ariel Vallejos; Ajudant de direcció: Martí Torras; Ajudant d'escenografia: Roger Orra; Direcció tècnica: David Pascual;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm
  • Space


    Plaça dels Àngels, 1

  • Duration
    65 min
  • Price