El Sr. Buridan

  • Altres

The bonds are bonds that wild wild, so good. From here we adapt and build towards a peaceful and well hide under the rug those considered most primal instincts. Mr. Buridan love the quiet peacefulness of things, but will call into question his desire docility when he starts to move inside. So, the day that everyone do as it passes the head will not leave out the street children ... or animals.

Artistic card

Intèrpret: Teresa Urroz; Dramatúrgia i direcció: Raquel Tomàs; Assessorament de dramatúrgia i il·luminació: Andrea Segura; Col·laboració: Hans Laguna, Eugeni Szwarcer;


Raquel Tomàs


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    La Cuina

    Carrer de Sant Pere Més Baix, 7