El dia que va morir l'últim panda [The day the last panda died]

  • Teatre

Projecte Ingenu

Is it returning to nature or using technology that makes us more human? This is the question in a theatrical installation that is part of the so-called Trilogy of Non-Time, performances set in a dystopian time and place.

Welcome to the museum. Wander freely through the space if you want to find out what the next thousand years of human existence will be like. Perhaps we won't be able to experience that future, but we can see it... and hear it, through the wireless headphones we will be given and that will be our sound guide throughout the show. In this performance, part theatre and part stage installation, you’ll discover a dystopian future in which the world is highly digitalised and immersed in a never-ending technological evolution. You’ll hear about topics such as genetic selection, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, eco-fascism... In these times in which the line between human and non-human has been blurred, pandas will become extinct. Or maybe not, because there are scientists that will try to genetically re-create the species. Perhaps they’ll soon do the same with human beings, as they’ve discovered a way to incubate an embryo outside of the womb. Will this use of science and technology propel us forward, as some scientists claim, on the road to humanisation, or will returning to the natural world be what makes us truly human?

You’ll ask yourself these questions while watching a show that’s part of the so-called Trilogía del No-Tiempo [Trilogy of non-time], a series of performances set in dystopian futures. And so Projecte Ingenu continues addressing the concept of time, an essential element of its shows, and which is now the central theme of a series of three performances. Dystopias allow creators to speak about our society, with all its ills and shortcomings, from a detached perspective. This trilogy will shape the future projects of a theatre group that previously grouped together other pieces in the Trilogía Shakespeare [Shakespeare trilogy] (Hamlet, Romeu i Julieta and Vaig ser Pròsper) and the Tetralogía de la Insatisfacción [Insatisfaction Tetralogy] (Top Girls, Yerma, inFaust, La dona pantera) . Since it was created in 2014, the company has been creating scenic atmospheres using bodies, song and technology. We saw it at the Barcelona Festival in performances such as La ruta de la palta [The route of the avocado] (Grec 2022), which explored the shared history between Catalonia and Chile.

Audience will follow the show using headphones and can choose the language: Catalan, Spanish or English.

A Projecte Ingenu and Grec 2023 Festival de Barcelona co-production.

With the support of the Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (ICEC), as part of the 21 and 22 FiraTàrrega’s Guaret programme supporting creation.

In collaboration with Nau Ivanow and involvement from Fabra i Coats and the Convent de les arts d’Alcover.

Artistic card

Director: Marc Chornet Artells. Assistant director: Claudia Manini. Dramaturgy: Projecte Ingenu. Performers: Toni Guillemat Álvarez, Georgina Avilés Sarrias, Andrea Marinel·lo Lamiel, Gerard Marsal Norte, Núria Planes Llull, Mireia Sala Aresté, Xavier Torra Xuriguera. Space designers: Alfonso Ferri Parres, Pau Vila Quintana. Lighting design: Pau Vila Quintana. Wardrobe design and characterisation: Marta Rafa. Audiovisual design: Alfonso Ferri Parres. Musical composition and soundspace: Gerard Marsal Norte. Producer: Projecte Ingenu. Photography: David Ruano.
