El col·leccionista de pors

  • Teatre

L'Estenedor Teatre

Of noises in the house, of witches, of hairy monsters... There are people with fears and people who, what's more, collect them, as does the protagonist of this show.

Come, for in this show you will be introduced to Dani Vidal, a gentleman who, as a very young boy, began collecting all kinds of fears and keeping them in cages, jars and boxes. Because each fear has to be kept in a particular way and not all of them are in the same state. Some are already very dry, others are still moving and there are even some of those that cannot be trapped at all ... Dani will show us his house, full of sounds and noises that, along with the music, form the show’s soundtrack. The language of puppetry, the speciality of L'Estenedor Teatre, will serve to give shape to the most concrete fears and to the most abstract ones. We will make the visit not once but twice, because the second time we will be accompanied by Emili, Dani’s father, who will tell us how he went about overcoming many of his son’s fears and he will help us to find a logical explanation to each of the fears we have or have had.

The show is brought to you by L'Estenedor Teatre, a company with a long history of puppetry that, this time, also moves into the field of acting and even movement, given that the movements of the actors and the props around the stage make up a subtle choreography.

Artistic card

Autoria: Jordi Farrés Diviu, David Laín i Devant; Direcció: Jordi Farrés Diviu; Dramatúrgia: Jordi Farrés Diviu; Interpretació: David Laín i Devant; Composició musical: Ignasi Miranda Castro; Escenografia: David Laín i Devant; Creació i construcció d'elements escenogràfics: Marga Carbonell; Disseny de la il€luminació: Roc Laín i Escandell; Disseny del so / Concepció sonora: Ignasi Miranda Castro; Disseny del vídeo: Xavier Parallax; Producció: L'Estenedor Teatre;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    6.30 p.m.
  • Space

    Sant Andreu Teatre - saT!

    Carrer de Neopàtria, 54, 08030 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    50 min
  • Price
    10 €