El cavall de Troia i la petita Helena

  • Teatre


There's no one like a grandparent to tell a good story. And Helena's granddad, even more so, because he knows such incredible and fascinating tales as this one about a giant horse.

The little girl in this story would spend all day playing with her wooden rocking horse, and will neither eat nor sleep. Luckily, her grandfather, who has been an astronaut, a shield-bearer and a stagehand, knows an enthralling tale. And he promises her that, if she does what she is told, he will tell it to her. So Helena is about to hear the story of a wooden horse like hers, but a giant one, built by people who want to end a war that has gone on too long. How will the story end? Who knows, because Helena’s granddad is a mischievous sort, and when he starts to tell a story no one knows where it may lead.

Artistic card

Idea original: Eugenio Navarro; Dramatúrgia i direcció: Raquel Loscos; Assistència a la producció: Néstor Navarro; Banda sonora: Marc Mas Talens; Disseny de les ombres: Jordina Salvany; Producció: La Puntual; Intèrpret: Eugenio Navarro;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Wednesday to Saturday, 7 pm; Sunday, 6 pm
  • Space

    La Puntual

    Carrer de l'Allada-Vermell, 15, 08003 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    50 min
  • Price