El buit

  • Teatre

Sergi Ots/ Cia. Estampades / Cia. Impàs

A book by Anna Llenas provides the inspiration for a show about resilience and the capacity to overcome adversity in which we will realize that the emptiness we sometimes feel inside us is part of us and makes us special and unique.

To find oneself feeling empty, with an implacable void inside oneself conditions human existence. We are all responsible for our own void, the size of it and how to approach the relationship that we establish with it. Confronting an unknown and infinite void may make us feel dizzy and sick, but covering it up is no easy task if we do not know what to fill it with. In El Buit (Emptiness) the dizziness we feel works in our favour, it opens up a path towards our imagination and allows us to investigate ourselves, our fears and doubts, to obtain a beauty that closes up this hole, or at least makes it smaller. It is a journey in movement based on the visual richness of the book by Anna Llenas, which uses a unique poetic language capable of revealing the ephemeral world of emotions, passions and feelings.

The director is Sergi Ots, an artist who started out working with Els Comediants, worked in the Cirque du Soleil and, aged just 24, founded his own company, Ponten Pie, with which he has created shows with a great visual power that use the most diverse techniques in search of a new language of performance.

Artistic card

Idea original de l'espectacle: Cia. Estampades, Cia. Impàs i Sergi Ots; Adaptació escènica / creació i direcció: Sergi Ots; Ajudantia de direcció: Mariona Moya; Creació i coreografia: Cia. Estampades i Cia. Impàs; Concepció escenogràfica: Cia. Estampades, Cia. Impàs, Laura Martín i Sergi Ots; Composició musical: Andreu Vilar Juanola; Il€luminació: Pep Arumí; Vestuari: CarmePuigdevalliPlantéS; Intèrprets: Berta Escudero, Elena Masó, Neus Masó, Mariona Moya i Paula Radresa (segons repartiment); Maquinista: Iñaki Santos; Construcció de les estructures: Ixent Genevat; Construcció de l'escenografia i attrezzo: Laura Martín, Guillermo Góngora, El Sorral, Aina Vela, Juli Sanjuan Palma i Enric Serra ; Supervisió artística dels elements gràfics en escena: Anna Llenas; Assessoria tècnica: Oleguer Nicolau i Taga; Agraïments: €lex Carreras, Albert Coll, Marta Pérez, Jordi Pellat, Miguel Chimeno, Ilamco, a tots els/les mecenes del Verkami, Xavier Serra, i a totes les nostres famílies.;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    7.30 p.m.
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    45 min
  • Price
    12 €