El bon pare

  • Teatre

David Plana

Fusing comedy and tragedy, this play talks about the male figure and parenting, a difficult job for which there is no guaranteed recipe for success. As a politician faced by a delirious nightmare will learn for himself.

Things could not be going better for Roger Denís, mayor of a small town. His political career is doing fine, and he has a loving family. What is more, his teenage daughter has returned home, but what should have been good news will turn into serious trouble, because a video has also turned up on Internet that has shown him things about the girl that he did not and would rather not know... Roger thought that bringing up children in a modern, easy-going way was the best way to avoid the kind of problems that now face him. Suddenly, he realises that they said he was a good father at home to keep him quiet, but that he has had no say in any important family decisions for years. Little by little, the curtains are drawn back and the skeletons in the cupboard are revealed. The awful secrets that Roger learns will lead him to question the principles that have guided his life, turning him into the central character in a disturbing comedy. “A Good Father” is a new play by David Plana, a prominent figure in contemporary Catalan drama whose previous works include Mala sang, Dia de partit and La dona incompleta. A superb cast starring Lluís Soler and Teresa Vallicrosa present a play that is certain to make us wonder whether things really are as we have been led to believe.

Coproduction: Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona, Vania Produccions S.L. and BitòProduccions.

Conversation about this show: July 6th; 7.30 pm; Biblioteca Horta - Can Mariner.

Artistic card

Autoria i direcció: David Plana ; Interpretació: Lluís Soler, Teresa Vallicrosa, Georgina Latre i Jaume Madaula; Escenografia: Sebastià Brossa; Vestuari: Montse Alacuart; Disseny d'il·luminació: David Bofarull; Disseny de so / concepció sonora: Dani Ferrer; Disseny de vídeo: Mar Orfila; Ajudant de direcció: Clàudia Flores; Ajudant d'escenografia: Núria Garcia Pubill; Disseny gràfic: Albert Aran; Fotografia: Pablo Ricciardulli; Administració: Teresa Gómez; Regidoria: Clàudia Flores; Direcció tècnica: Eudald Gili; Construcció de l'escenografia: Jorba-Miró Estudi -Taller d'Escenografia; Producció: Estel Solé i Carles Roca; Ajudant de producció: Olalla Calvo;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Wed and Thurs, 8.30 pm; Fri, 9 pm; Sat, 6.30 and 9 pm; Sun, 7.30 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Borràs

    Plaça d'Urquinaona, 9, 08010 Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    90 min
  • Price