El aprendizaje

  • Dansa

Roberto Romei / Juan Carlos Lérida / Sila

Three artists from very different fields of the performing arts seek a common language and a new perspective on dance, theatre and flamenco.

This show is a cooperative effort by flamenco dancer, choreographer and teacher Juan Carlos Lérida, theatre director Roberto Romei and musician and actor Jordi Collet, better known as Sila. Their starting-point is a story by Jean-Luc Lagarce, one of the most popular authors in French theatre, and they borrow the title of this show from him. Moreover, they try to tell their story without telling it, that is to say, by suggesting it only through movement and the sound space they have designed. It all begins with a single character. A man wakes up, gradually returning to consciousness and going back to his life as if starting all over again. The show is directed by Roberto Romei, who has worked in the theatre since the nineties, with spells in Italy, France, England and Spain. The performer is a choreographer and flamenco dancer, or bailaor, who has worked with all the greats in the genre, from Joaquín Cortés and Belén Maya to innovative figures like El Niño de Elche. With them, an actor, Jordi Collet, Sila, often seen here in hit theatre shows and television series, but also a fine musician who has composed many soundtracks, including the one for this show, which he also performs live.

With support from the National Council for Culture and the Arts of Catalonia (CoNCA), Graner Centre de Creació, Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona), En Danza (Seville), L'Estruch (Sabadell) and Institut Ramon Llull.

Premiered on 25 May 2012 at Festival Flamenco Empírico, Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona).

Artistic card

Direcció: Roberto Romei; Coreografia i interpretació: Juan Carlos Lérida; Banda sonora i música en directe: Sila; Espai escènic i vestuari: Roger Orra; Disseny d'il·luminació: Marc Lleixa; Vídeo/fotografia: Juanjo Marín Pérez; Traducció: Cristina Genebat; Producció: Danilo Pioli (Dancebox.es);


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10.30 am
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40