Dramawalker Poblenou Tour

  • Activitats paral·leles

As part of the summer Obrador activities open to the general public at the Sala Beckett, five dramatists will present us with some interactive sound fiction based on true stories told by neighbourhood inhabitants.

The Dramawalker project is promoted by the Centro Dramático Nacional in collaboration with Sala Beckett, Grupo Chévere and Centro Dramático Galego (Galician government) with the aim of creating sound fiction in specific locations that serves as a living memory of cities and residents.

In Barcelona the project is based in Poblenou and takes as its starting point a set of stories told by local people who remember the area’s industrial past and demonstrate the vitality of the neighbourhood’s associations with some avant-garde artistic and cultural projects. The responsibility of researching memories of the neighbourhood has fallen on the shoulders of the dramatists Roc Esquius, Sílvia Navarro, Oriol Puig, Mercè Sarrias and Joan Yago.

The actors who have taken part in this experience – Mercè Arànega, Quim Àvila, Jofre Borràs, Anna Carreño, Vanessa Segura, Elena Tarrats, Roger Vidal and Joana Vilapuig – propose a stroll through Poblenou with a mobile connected to the internet and earphones. While you go round, you will listen to the stories in the same place they took place.

The Dramawalker Poblenou Tour offers you various times and dates:


Dramawalker Poblenou Presentation
14 July at 6 pm
Parc del Centre, Poblenou
The authors of the stories will introduce the activity with Fernando Sánchez Cabezudo, artistic coordinator and advisor to the Centro Dramático Nacional, and Aina Tur, artistic coordinator of the project. 

14, 21 and 28 July, at 7 pm
Venue: various places in the Poblenou neighbourhood
Local residents who feed the pigeons, pigeons that talk to us about the people who feed them. A Sílvia Navarro creation, with performances by Anna Carreño and Roger Vidal, and special collaboration from Quim Àvila. 

The Poblenou “víbria”
14, 21 and 28 July, at 7 pm
Venue: various places in the Poblenou neighbourhood
Poblenou folk culture in a story that has to do with the festive imagination, fireworks and correfocs, or “fire runs”. An Oriol Puig creation, with the help of Jofre Borràs and Vanessa Segura, and special collaboration from Mercè Arànega and Quim Àvila.

 The neighbourhood beat
14, 21 and 28 July, at 7 pm
Venue: various places in the Poblenou neighbourhood
The dramatist Roc Esquius has imagined various scenes that take place in four parts of Poblenou at four different times in the 20th and 21st centuries. With Mercè Arànega and Elena Tarrats. 

14, 21 and 28 July, at 7 pm
Venue: various places in the Poblenou neighbourhood
Three episodes from the neighbourhood’s history set in three moments in the last century that tell us about working conditions, political repression and gender violence. Mercè Sarrias has written the stories, which are performed by Quim Àvila and Joana Vilapuig, with special collaboration from Jofre Borràs, Anna Carreño, Elena Tarrats and Vanessa Segura.

A Sala Beckett and Centro Dramático Nacional production

Admission is free but you are strongly advised to book in advance.



  • Dates