Dins el cor del món [Inside the Heart of the World]

  • Teatre

Engruna Teatre

What is the relationship between human beings and their environment? Is there a more harmonious way to connect and find balance? A show based on the novel La mujer que buceó dentro del corazón del mundo (The Woman Who Dived into the Heart of the World), by Mexican writer Sabina Berman.

As we dive among the fish of the oceans and the humans on the land, we will discover that a new pact with reality is possible: authenticity consists of finding our essence and distinctness, and only then will we find our freedom.

Sabina Berman, the author of the novel that inspired this show- Engruna Teatre's first for audiences over the age of 10 - reminds us that "people with different abilities are the ones who can make the world different". One of these people is Karen, a girl with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) who is the main character in this story. As a child, Karen lived in the wild, fully connected with nature. Through her aunt Isabelle she discovers that while she’s lacking in some aspects, she’s brilliant in others, to the point where she manages to become a great businesswoman.

The relationship between Humanity and Nature is, in fact, the novel’s protagonist. The Autistic Spectrum Disorder Karen lives with is nothing more than a metaphor for the autistic attitude adopted by neurotypical people towards the environment they come from. In order to bring the audience closer to this issue and to show them the protagonist's vision of the world, the show depicts three planes on which the performance takes place: nature, industrialised civilisation and the protagonist's inner world. To address this, the company uses poetic images that contrast Karen's world with the hostility of the industrialised world, as well as the body work of the actresses and even the psychology of colours as a tool to convey emotions and sensations.

Sabina Berman is a well-known Mexican writer, playwright, essayist, theatre director and film director. Not only is she a particularly prolific playwright, but she also has a reputation as one of the most original and daring of her generation. She has won the National Playwriting Award four times in Mexico and the Juan Ruiz de Alarcón Award, and twice won the National Journalism Award (1999 and 2007). During the creation process, she has offered her cooperation to the company and to the playwright in charge of turning the novel into theatre: Denis Duncan, a Costa Rican-born author from Barcelona. He initiated the Engruna Teatre project, a company born sixteen years ago that seeks to excite and transcend with its shows, talking about small things that morph into stories full of symbolism and purpose.

A production by Engruna Teatre. 

With the suport of ICEC, Grec Festival de Barcelona, l'Estruch Fàbrica de creació de Sabadell, laSala. Centre de creació d'Arts per a les famílies, l'Ajuntament de Castellar del Vallès and Associació Àsperger de Catalunya. 

This show is especially recommended for audiences aged 10 and over.


sTTriPtease, stripping creative processes
Wednesday, July 12, after the performance, the Associació Professional de Teatre per a Tots els Públics (TTP) helds an encounter with Engruna Teatre Company,to talk about creative processes of Dins el cor del món.


Artistic card

Original idea and creation: Anna Farriol, Iria Corominas, Txell Felip, Mireia Fernàndez. Director: Mireia Fernàndez. Dramaturgy: Denise Duncan, Mireia Fernàndez. Outside eye: Jokin Oregi (Cia. Marie de Jongh). Creative collaboration: Núria Olivé. Performance: Iria Corominas, Anna Farriol.  Composer, piano and  accordion: Albert Ciurans. Recording Studio: La llar de folk. Guitar recording: Aleix Garriga. Cello recording: Andrea Peirón. Set and costumes design: Clàudia Vilà. Set construction: Taller Castells i Planas SL. Props construction: Xavi Arbonès. COstumes creation: Art & Seams. Masks design and construction: Iria Roibàs. Technician and laser: Jonàs Serri. Lighting Design: Guillem Gelabert. Sound space Design: Jordi Sala. Graphic Design: Ferran Llorens. Executive production: Txell Felip. Author:Sabina Berman.


  • Dates
  • Space

    saT! - Sant Andreu Teatre

    Neopàtria, 54