Dies de Dansa

  • Dansa

20th International Festival of Dance in Urban Landscapes

To stage short dance pieces of the highest artistic quality; that is the aim of a festival that takes the city as its venue to explore the interaction between dance, the public space and people. This year, the festival celebrates its twentieth anniversary with a programme featuring such companies as Lakka (Brazil), Ziya Azazi (Austria and Turkey), Yiphun Chiem (Cambodia and Belgium), Cie 7273 (Switzerland), RootlessRoot Company (Greece), La Intrusa Danza / Damian Muñoz (Spain), Laura Aris and Jorge Jaúregui (Spain and Belgium), Chameleon Company (UK), EA & AE (Spain), Lotte Sigh (Denmark), Eleonore Valere (France), Surya Berthomieux (France), Anton Lachky and Peter Jasko – Les SlovaKs (Slovakia), Janet Rühl and Arnd Müller (Germany and Spain), Mal Pelo (Spain), Hyun-jung Wang and Sébastien Ramírez (France, Germany and the Republic of Korea), Circle of Trust (Spain), and Human Playground (Canada), amongst others, and also companys from Sitges and Mataró like Cía Vincles, EVA/Sitges, TG Maneje, Silvia Cuesta, Lola Vilalta, Esplai de Dansa Casino Prado, Grup de Balls i Dansa La Saca, Colla Sardanista Blanca Espurna and Start Game.

- Friday, July 1, at CCCB – Pati de les Dones, 10.30pm-12.30pm.
- Saturday, July 2, at Fundació Joan Miró, 12am-1.30pm; Espai Cultural Caja Madrid, 5.30pm; MACBA / CCCB / Pati Manning, 6-8.30pm; and CCCB – Pati de les Dones, 10.30pm-12.30pm.
- Sunday, July 3, at the Museu Picasso, 6-8pm; and CCCB – Pati de les Dones, 10.30pm-12.30pm.
- Monday, July 4, in Sabadell, 7-8.30pm.
- Tuesday, July 5, in Sitges, 7-9.30pm.
- Wednesday, July 6, at CaixaForum, 8-11pm.

Parallel activities: screenings of videos on the world of dance and a virtual tour of Barcelona using the new technologies, as well as a series of community workshops.

For further information and times, visit the website: www.marato.com.


Support and cooperation: Grec 2011 Festival de Barcelona, Ajuntament de Barcelona (ICUB), Generalitat de Catalunya (CoNCA), Ministeri de Cultura (INAEM), Ministeri de Cultura (DGPIC), Diputació de Barcelona (ODA), Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Institut Ramon Llull, Museu Picasso, Fundació Joan Miró, Obra Social Fundació “la Caixa”, Bureau du Québec, Fundación Reina Isabel de Dinamarca, Institut Municipal d’Acció Cultural de Mataró, Ajuntament de Sabadell, Ajuntament de Sitges, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Obra Social Caja Madrid, Districte de Ciutat Vella, Districte de l’Eixample, Parcs i Jardins de Barcelona, Fundación AISGE, Goethe Institut de Barcelona, Culturesfrance, British Council de Barcelona, El Periódico de Catalunya, Abba Hoteles, Núñez i Navarro Hotels, Centre Cívic de la Barceloneta, ForFree.cat and the CQD (Dancing Cities) network.

Artistic card

Organització: Associació Marató de l'espectacle; Direcció artística: Juan Eduardo López; Coordinació i producció: Virginie Gorzerino; Fotografia: G. Bravo;




  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Diversos espais

  • Duration
    Vary according to date and venue
  • Price
    Admission free