Summer is when our personalities undergo the most sudden change. We start fantasising about things we would like to do, we start hoping to find a paradise… and we want everything to happen during that brief period when we can take a break from our normal activities to enter a kind of bubble. Summer is a test tube in which the voices that are normally silenced throughout the rest of the year finally break out, creating an experience of parallel reality inside us.
The stories that form Días estupendos revolve around that feeling of riding the crest of a wave. Where life is strongest, that is where we find the start of death.
These are stories in which intensity fuels the action. In which, horrified, we laugh.
Text i direcció: Alfredo Sanzol; Intèrprets: Paco Déniz, Elena González, Juan Antonio Lumbreras, Natalia Hernández, Pablo Vázquez; Escenografia i vestuari: Alejandro Andújar; Il·luminació: Baltasar Patiño; Disseny de so i composició musical: Fernando Velázquez; Ajudant de direcció: Pietro Olivera; Ajudant de producció: Elisa Fernández; Direcció tècnica: Matías Carbia; Cap tècnic: Gervasi Juan Colet; Fotografia: David Ruano; Premsa: Blanca De Carreras; Comunicació: Publiespec;