Després de tot

  • Circ
  • Teatre
  • Tops del Grec 2023, Espectacles amb cor


The fascination and fear with which orthodoxy and marginalisation see each other is the focus of the new show from a company dedicated to freeing circus from its more conventional

What is marginalisation and how do we view it from the social, political or philosophical perspective? How is it perceived by the members of society who have escaped from the dreaded “failure”? It could be a hard, crude way, but also full of poetry, to speak in the most eloquent way about the society we live in and Humanity in general, which like it or not, we are part of. No, this is not a show with a social message, but rather a circus production which examines the fear or aversion we feel for what we perceive as marginal, but also about the attraction, or even the veneration, it creates within us. It is no accident that this question is tackled through this particular discipline, because within the context of performing arts, and in comparison with the theatre, opera or dance, circus has always been seen as a lesser or marginal art, performed by itinerant artists who are feared and demonised, but who nevertheless fascinate us and evoke our admiration every time they execute dangerous acrobatics and exhibit their virtuosity. In Després de Tot [After All], these marginalised artists live in a future world, and adopting the form of a modern saga, they may speak about our present... They do this from a marsh, an exotic, liminal landscape. In each episode, they explain the desires and fears of every protagonist . They cover the entire history of this community, a metaphor for Humanity.

The production, a collaboration between various public structures, stops off at the Mercat de les Flors (21 and 22 May) and the TNC (June 2022) during its creative process. The company will present two different episodes on each occasion, before performing the final montage at the 2022 Barcelona Grec Festival.

Després de Tot has been created by the Psirc company and director and playwright Rolando San Martñin, founded in 2011 with the combined talents of Wanja Kahlert, Anna Pascual Fernández and Adrià Montaña, who were later joined by Benet Jofre. Four circus professionals who have managed to keep their professional careers together, despite having trained in different places and disciplines. With their shows, they aim to find new creative pathways that demolish the boundaries that artists impose on themselves. With these principles, they have created such well-received shows as Acrometria, aimed at studying the "distance between the psyche and infinite realities" (2013) and El meu nom és Hor (2018; also directed by San Martín) where they also used puppets and objects. You may have seen the company, or some of its members, collaborating with other artists, such as Alba Sarraute in Desdèmona (Grec 2004), La Central del Circ, in the collective show Retalls (Grec 2013) or the Sixto Paz Company, enriching the language of circus with the show Tender Napalm (Grec 2017).

A coproduction from the 2022 Barcelona Grec Festival, Psirc, La Grainerie, fabrique des Arts du Cirque et de l’Itinérance, Nilak, circ teatre itinerant and Fira Trapezi Reus.

Artistic card

Directed by: Rolando San Martin, Performed by: Benet Jofre, Wanja Kahlert, Adrià Montaña, Anna Pascual, Written by: Benet Jofre, Wanja Kahlert, Adrià Montaña, Anna Pascual, Rolando San Martin, Photography: Francis Rodor, Julian Waisbord, In collaboration with: Diego Gómez, Laura Cardona, Bárbara de Benito, Carla Mañez, Ricardo Cornelius, Irene Colell Matamala, Alicia Rodriguez Campi, Lluís Garrido, Núria Ferrer, Isabel Yebra, Albert Novell Seco, Otto Fuster Kalhert, Jan Jofre Pascual.


  • Dates
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona