DeForrest Brown, Jr. / Speaker Music + RRUCCULLA

  • Música

Lorem Ipsum

An artist and researcher focussed on the counter culture of people of African descent and who claims techno as a form of expression for Black American culture, takes centre stage in a show at the MACBA from the other side of the Atlantic.

DeForrest Brown, Jr. is an American theorist, journalist and curator (he calls himself ex-American) whose work includes theoretical research, writing, curating and artistic production. He explores the links between Black experience in industrialised work systems and Black innovation in electronic music. He claims artistic expressions, such as techno, for Negritude, which is why he is one of the most visible faces of the ‘Make Techno Black Again’ campaign, which celebrates the origins of this style of electronic music, its roots and experience amongst the Afro-American working class. This is expressed musically as Speaker Music, through which he shows his interest in hybrid media and proposes building bridges between intimate space and public space. In 2020 he released the album Black Nationalist Sonic Weaponry (Planet Mu), and in 2021 he published the book Assembling a Black Counter Culture (Primary Information), a general history of techno focused on the black experience. For Lorem Ipsum, he works on a “mixed media” proposal working with space from a distance.

At the same time, RRUCCULLA, alias Izaskun González, shares his kinaesthetic experience of sound. In his musical offering, movement and gesture are strongly anchored to the rhythm, either through his mastery of the drums or the polyrhythm fired out from his computer, with programmes he designed himself. In this encounter and collapse of both flows, free jazz, echoes of rave music and all kinds of unexpected samples form a sound composition which is accompanied and made whole with a set of visuals (images that are both live and on the covers of his works). Rhythm, then, to move to, but also to look at.

The Lorem Ipsum series, named after the Latin expression used in graphic design for dummy text and design mock-ups is back, bringing you music and fun from the fringes. It does so by bringing to its audiences artists who possess their own, unique aesthetics, who blur the boundaries between disciplines, use their creations as a testing ground and place the spotlight on racialised, sexualised, dissident bodies and emerging women artists.

A 2021 Barcelona Grec Festival and Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art co-production.

