Cuando vuelva a casa voy a ser otro

  • Teatre

Mariano Pensotti / Grupo Marea

The process of transformation that we all experience without realising it, and the fear of ceasing to be ourselves are the themes of a stage play written by one of the best-known argentinian director on the scene today.

If you have ever wondered how valid the revolutionary ideas that you once defended are today, or if, at any time, you have looked at yourself in the mirror and noticed that you do not look like the image you have of yourself, then Mariano Pensotti’s theatre production is just what the doctor ordered in your case. The work takes its inspiration from a true story: after the military coup in Argentina, the director's father buried a number of compromising items in the garden of his grandparents’ house. These objects were not seen again until forty years later, when the new tenant set about building a swimming pool, and found them. Their owner then came face-to-face with the person he had once been. And he recognised all the objects as his, except one. The quest for the origin of this supposedly foreign object provides the thread for a series of stories about a director trying to put on a play that he had staged fifteen years earlier, a singer who sings her father’s songs, and a left-wing politician who is literally transformed into a different person. The setting for the different stories changes using a complex system, copied from old museum in Patagonia, of moving scenery, projected texts and conveyor belts that, with a circular motion, take the characters round and round, again and again, to face situations that they have already experienced, but from a new perspective. A fascinating, truly different story about the desire to be someone else, the tragedy of being just one person and the fear of ceasing to be who we are.

Coproduction: Grupo Marea, Cultural San Martín, Festival Internacional de Buenos Aires, Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), Festival d’Avignon, Festival Theaterformen (Hannover), Mousonturm (Frankfurt), HAU Hebbel Am Ufer (Berlin), Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers and La Maison des Arts - Scène Nationale de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne.

In cooperation with Ligne Directe / Judith Martin.

At the July 26 performance of Cuando vuelva a casa voy a ser otro, audio description and care services will be provided. Braille and accessible print versions of the programme will also be available for people with visual impairment at these performances.

In cooperation with ONCE and Institut de persones amb discapacitat.

Artistic card

Autoria i direcció: Mariano Pensotti ; Interpretació: Santiago Gobernori, Mauricio Minetti, Andrea Nussembaum, Javier Lorenzo, Juliana Muras; Composició musical: Diego Vainer; Escenografia i vestuari: Mariana Tirantte ; Disseny d'il·luminació: Alejandro Le Roux; Assistència a l'escenari: Carlos Etchevers i Tatiana Mladineo; Enginyer de so: Ernesto Fara; Assistència a l'escenografia: Gonzalo Córdoba Estévez; Producció: Florencia Wasser / Grupo Marea;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8.30 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
    85 min
  • Price