Creation & museums: 10 Atlàntides

  • Activitats paral·leles

This is a choral performance on various aspects of the figure of Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer. Each of Verdaguer's faces will be invoked by a couple, trio or quartet of musicians, poets and visual artists. The façade of Joana in Vallvidrera, the house where the poet lived his last days, will be the scene of a show with polyphonic narrative and discontinuous melody. With the participation of about twenty artists from Barcelona, ​​most of them linked to the Creation factory Fabra i Coats, and among them there are poets and writers like Núria Martínez-Vernis, Blanca-Llum Vidal and Martí Sales, the violinist Sara Fontán, the improvisation musicians Luis Tabuenca (percusionist) and Mark Cunningham (trumpeter), the musical bands Nuu, Coàgul y Aalbers, the singer Liviana Mauretti or the creator of analog visuals Anna Irina Russell, in addition to La Megacobla, los Za! and the artistic groups Pedra i Bitlab.

Idea and direction: Za!

Coordination and technical production: The Good Good (Residents FiC)

Corpdoduced by Fabra i Coats – Fàbrica de Creació i Museu d’Història – Casa Verdaguer de la literatura (Vil·la Joana)

Free guided visit to Casa Verdaguer de la literatura (20 ). Registrations:

Museums and cultural spaces around the city, on occasion of the Grec Festival of Barcelona, ​​will host a series of stage proposals of diverse disciplines that show the creative potential of the artists linked to the city’s factories and spaces of creation.

Free activities
