
  • Dansa

International BPM

A journey through human existence in dance, starting in tradition and the world of arts and crafts and ending in overcrowding and technification. A song made dance, traditional and natural, featuring special guest musician Kepa Junkera.

Everything is fast and confusing in these times, and everything changes at a speed that makes it difficult to assimilate the mutations that affect our lives day after day. But we often discover pleasures in this perpetual motion, things that may seem new but which were also a source of enjoyment for our ancestors: music, dance, traditional instruments... What links do we have with our own roots? This is one of the many questions posed by a show by the choreographer and dancer Núria Serra, accompanied by music written by the composer Carlos Bianchini and Omar Costa, as well as live performances from one of the biggest names in roots music on the Iberian Peninsula: Kepa Junkera, an icon in the world of traditional music who is also able to create new sounds and fuse styles to produce sounds without borders. Contrastes is directed by the clarinettist and stage director Tagore González, who specialises in multidisciplinary shows in which music always plays an important role.

Artistic card

Direcció artística: Tagore González; Idea original i composició musical: Carlos Bianchini; Composició musical i artista convidat: Kepa Junkera; Composició musical, direcció musical i arranjaments: Omar Acosta; Coreografia: Núria Serra i Adan Aguilar; Disseny d'escenografia i vestuari: Isis De Coura; Direcció tècnica: Javier Bengoechea; Construcció de l'escenografia: €ngel Márquez, Escenografia Moià; Producció executiva i distribució: International Bpm; Coproducció: Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    5 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40