
  • Dansa

Sasha Waltz & guests

Having presented Dido & Aeneas (Extraordinary Prize in the 15th Barcelona Critics’ Awards) in 2008, Sasha Waltz returns to the Grec with a new dialogue between body and space, a large-format choreography that consolidates ten years’ work and whose title alludes to the continuity of the forces of nature. Performed by twenty-four dancers and featuring solos, duets and group pieces, Continu is work based on the pieces that Waltz created for the opening ceremonies of the Neues Museum in Berlin and the Museo Nazionale delle Arti del Secolo XXI (MAXXI) in Rome. Continu takes its inspiration from Arcana, a symphonic poem by Edgar Varèse (1883-1965), as well as from compositions by Iannis Xenakis and Claude Vivier. Dance, music and overwhelming energy.

Artistic card

Direcció i coreografia: Sasha Waltz; Vestuari: Bernd Skodzig; Escenografia: Thomas Schenk, Pia Maier Schriever, Sasha Waltz; Il·luminació: Martin Hauk; Dramatúrgia: Jochen Sandig; Intèrprets: Liza Alpízar Aguilar, Ayaka Azechi, Jirí Bartovanec, Justin Billy, Davide Camplani, María Marta Colusi, Luc Dunberry, Juan Kruz Díaz De Garaio Esnaola, Edivaldo Ernesto, Delphine Gaborit, Mamajeang Kim, Florencia Lamarca, Segiu Matis, Todd Mcquade, Thomas Michaux, Virgis Puodziunas, Sasa Queliz, Zaratiana Randrianantenaina, Orlando Rodríguez, Mata Sakka, Yael Schnell, Xuan Shi, Shang-Chi Sun, Niannian Zhou; Fotografia: Sebastian Bolesch; Ajudant de direcció: Francesca Noia; Vestuari: Margaretha Heller, Federico Polucci; Maquillatge: Kati Heimann; Utillatge: Ivan Jovanovich; Tècnic d'escena: Boris Bauer; Ajudant de direcció: Carsten Grigo; Il·luminació: Martin Hauk; Mànager: Karsten Liske; Direcció tècnica: Reinhard Wizisla; Direcció: Jochen Sandig; Producció delegada: Elsinor; Assajos: Renate Graziadei;


Sasha Waltz


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm.
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    100 min
  • Price