Compagnie Adrien M / Claire B

  • Dansa


A surprising digital landscape provides the setting for this show, created by a company that fuses dance, circus and the digital arts.

Where is the scenery? Perhaps when the show begins you will think, at first, of huge blank book in which the characters in this piece move. Immediately, however, we see how the pages are filled with letters and what seemed like a desert becomes a constantly changing, dreamlike landscape. At times, the show will remind you of familiar worlds, at others it will transport you to disturbing, unexplored spaces where the performers risk falling into a digital abyss with every step they take. A storm of strongly poetic images merge to create a drama in which, despite the absence of a narrative, all kinds of emotions are expressed. For the world of technology and digital landscapes had never been so full of feelings and poetry as it is in the hands of this company, which seeks to link the entertainment of the circus arts, the world of jugglers, with their inherent risk, and the abstraction of dance.

Artistic card

Concepte i direcció: Adrien Mondot; Intèrpret: Akiko Kakjihara; Disseny d'il·luminació: Elsa Revol, Jérémy Chartier; Dramatúrgia: Charlotte Farcet; Composició musical: Christophe Sartori, Laurent Buisson ; Assistència tècnica: Alexis Lecharpentier ; Assistència a la direcció: Charlotte Farcet; Direcció tècnica: Alexis Bergeron; Il·luminació: Jérémy Chartier ; So: Pierre Xucla; Direcció de producció: ay-rOop; Administració: Marek Vuiton; Contractació: Charlotte Auché, Ana Sala (IKEBANAH Artes Escénicas); Assistència a la producció: Margaux Létang; Producció executiva local: Ana Sala (IKEBANAH Artes Escénicas); Fotografia: Raoul Lemercier;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    70 min
  • Price
    24 €