Cobla Sant Jordi-Ciutat de Barcelona

  • Música

The official City of Barcelona cobla celebrates its 25th anniversary by performing a selection of the finest compositions for this typically Catalan ensemble. The programme at Grec’08 will feature pieces by the most outstanding traditional cobla music composers (Eduard Toldrà, Enric Morera, Juli Garreta…) as well as new works. The high note will be the first performance of a piece for piano and cobla composed by Marc Timón, an up-and-coming figure on the contemporary music scene. The Cobla Sant Jordi - Ciutat de Barcelona constantly seeks new sounds, new interpretative challenges, an exploratory, experimental concern manifested here in the collaboration with acclaimed pianist Jordi Camell and experienced conductor
Salvador Mas.

Artistic card

Direcció: Salvador Mas   ; Percussió: Santi Molas; Piano: Jordi Camell;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Plaça del Rei