Cia. Sol Picó

  • Dansa

Titanas al Born [Titanesses]

Four women with well-established careers and extensive experience are the stars of an innovative show in a version created for the Born in which they cement their status as giants of the music and dance world.

The title of the show gives you an idea of what you’ll see onstage: women with titanic talent, true leaders in their respective worlds. We’re talking about the dancers and choreographers who created, perform and direct this show, and the music of the soundtrack that goes with it. They are Sol Picó, orignally from Alcoi in Valencia and now living in Barcelona; Charlotta Öfverholm from Sweden, and Anna Venutra, better known as Natsuki, from Girona. Then there’s Judit Farrés, the creator of the musical world that will surround them. The four of them created and performed a first version of the show in Valencia, and now, they're bringing it to the Born archaeological site. The performers will be Sol Picó, Natsuki and Barcelona’s Encarni Sánchez, replacing Charlotta Öfverholm, who had unavoidable commitments. Sánchez will perform a piece created especially to this play, directed and choreographied by Sol Picó. The production involves the Societat Choral Amics de la Unió, an outstanding musical organization in Granollers with a history that dates back to 1877.

The spectacular projected videos in the original piece are now replaced by a stone setting that silently exudes history, with ruins that could blend with those of a faraway Olympus, a playground for modern-day titanesses. The immenseness of the building is perfect for this purpose, standing in stark contrast to how small and fragile the performers are, making them more human. On top of the walkways, floating over the ruins, suspending in a time forged in the past, the Titanesses progress down the long passages, accompanied by the audience and the chorus of female voices that surround them and guide them through the different scenes. This is a festival of rhythm and energy, an unconstrained performance with live music and a plethora of intellectual stimuli that, together with the space in which it unfolds, will lead the audience to reflect on the concepts of legacy and memory. 

Co-produced by the Palau de les Arts “Reina Sofía” in Valencia, Sol Picó cia de danza, Natsuki & L’Universelle Illustrée Compagnie/France and Charlotta Öfverholm.

With support from the Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia.

In collaboration with the MIAM Museu Immaterial de les Arts del Moviment (La Bisbal d’Empordà).

Artistic card

Choreography and direction: Charlotta Öfverholm, Natsuki, Sol Picó. Performing: Encarni Sánchez, Natsuki, Sol Picó. Music and musical direction: Judit Farrés. Lighting design: La Invisible, Maria Güell Ordis. Assistant choreographer: Carlos Fernández. Prduction: Núria Aguiló, Pia Mazuela, Eva Calderero. Choral: Cor de la Unió de Granollers. SOund technician: Stéphane Carteaux. Costumes: Kova Loka & La Divina.
