Cia. Maduixa

  • Dansa

Lù (路)

The dance and images of great beauty are the tools that this company uses to talk about child labor, but also about the world of fantasy, thanks to which the little ones resist the harshness of their daily lives.

The protagonists of this piece, halfway between movement, audiovisual and plastic arts, are two girls. Despite their youth, they are forced to work in harsh conditions that many adults in our world would find unbearable. They, however, manage to survive day after day, exhibiting an unusual resilience against adversity. Maybe it is so because their inner worlds, the imaginary universe where they take refuge let them face suffering and injustice. They work, but they also play. And in their games they reflect their dreams and desires: a home and a family. They will tell you if you give them the opportunity to free their imagination and, especially, their creativity. With a title that in Chinese means "walk” this show introduces us to the magic and poetry of this plastic world by means of points, lines and shapes. And also the pointillist style paintings of the Japanese Yayoi Kusama, sources of inspiration for this show.

() is the new family dance show of Maduixa company, an artistic group born in Sueca (Valencia) in 2004 by the hand of Joan Santacreu and which this year it celebrates its fifteenth birthday with this production. Frequently seen on stages in Europe, Asia and North America, during their twelve years of career they have created numerous shows aimed at children based on choreography and powerful visual references, often inspired by great masters of the arts ranging from the painter Joan Miró (Ras!) and the visual poet Joan Brossa (Consonant) to the contemporary artist Sol Lewitt (Dot, seen in 2014 Grec). This past 2018 the company won two Max and four prizes of the Valencian Performing Arts for Mulïer, an exploration of femininity performed on stilts by five dancers that we were able to see at the Barcelona Mercè festival in 2017.

A production of Cia. Maduixa

With the support of 2019 Grec Festival of Barcelona and Institut Valencià de Cultura.

Maduixa Teatre is a residence company of Sueca town hall.

Performance recommended for audiences from +4 onwards.

Artistic card

Concept and direction: Joan Santacreu Interpretation: Laia Sorribes, Melisa Usina Dramaturgy and assistance to direction: Paula Llorens Choreographic direction: Baldo Ruiz Advice consultant: Cristina Fernández Musical composition: Damián Sánchez Costume design: Joan Miquel Reig Costume making: Blancatela Body technique: Pau Bachero Audiovisuals: VirtualArt and Bea Herráiz Lighting design: Ximo Olcina Sound technician: Andrés Roses Assistance to production: Marianne Maravilla Production and distribution: Loles Peris, Elena Villagrasa


  • Dates
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
  • Language
    Espectacle sense paraules
  • Price