Celebració (Festen)

  • Teatre

de Thomas Vinterberg, Mogens Rukov i Bo hr.Hansen

Celebració (Festen) is the theatrical adaptation of the film of the same name, one of the great successes in European cinema in recent years. It tells the story of a family patriarch celebrating his 60th birthday in the company of his nearest and dearest: an elder son who manages a restaurant, a lawyer daughter, a younger son who has failed to meet his father’s expectations… and, floating in the air, unmentionable, the memory of the other daughter, who committed suicide, and whose absence hangs over the party like a black cloud. Finally, someone will break down the wall of silence, of denial, to say what everybody knows but no one will face: the whole truth about the family, about the father, about the reasons which pushed the fourth child to kill herself...

Artistic card

Direcció: Josep Galindo; Intèrpret: Roser Camí, Boris Ruiz, Mingo Ràfols, Carles Canut; Dramatúrgia: Pablo Ley;


Thomas Vinterberg, Mogens Rukov, Bo hr. Hansen


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Romea

    Carrer de l'Hospital, 51, 08001 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Language