Cal·ligrames en moviment

  • Dansa

Itinerario danzado por Barcelona

¿Queréis participar en una experiencia única y diferente? Subid al autobús de La Caldera y podréis recorrer diferentes espacios de Barcelona, en cada uno de ellos podréis asistir a un espectáculo. Un paseo por la ciudad, distinto y lleno de sorpresas.

The route begins at 6 pm at the future headquarters of La Caldera (Eugeni d’Ors, 12), taking us to the Teatre Lliure in Montjuïc and the Turó del Carmel hill before ending on a roof in the Gothic district.

Our guide and entertainment along the way will be provided by the artist Ramon Colomina (Gusano Impasible), who will lead us to see the following shows:

In this work, the young artist Joan Català eliminates the frontiers between dance, circus, theatre and performance. Pelat was awarded the prize for Best Street Circus Show at the 2013 Zirkòlika Barcelona awards.

With the support of Fira Tàrrega, El Graner, Barcelona City Council and the Government of Catalonia.

In cooperation with: Cronopis Espai de Circ (Mataró); L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà-Girona); Festival Sismògraf (Olot); Teatre Municipal de l'Excorxador (Lleida); Trayectos (Saragossa); Festival TNT (Terrassa); and Associació Cultural Ulls Art (Barcelona).

Big Bounce
This show by the Big Bouncers company takes its title from a hypothetical scientific model for the formation of the known universe. Through movement and words, the piece focuses on the concept of origin and explores possible futures. A twenty-minute excerpt from the show will be performed.

Big Bouncers is a resident company at tragantDansa,  La Caldera, La Visiva, and Burdag Studio (Poland).

In cooperation with Institut Ramon Llull.

Els quatre vents, percussió and dansa
La Caldera pays tribute to the bailaora Carmen Amaya, changing the landscape of her home, Somorrostro, for El Carmel hill, a space open to the four winds. Here, the flamenco dancer Pol Jiménez and the percussionist Dani Tejedor will perform a work created especially for this unusual venue.

Capricho, 20 anys
This summer marks the twentieth anniversary of the private presentation on a roof in the Gothic quarter of Capricho, a piece by Inés Boza and Carles Mallol (SenZa TemPo) that was premiered at Park Güell on 2 July 1994 as part of the Grec Festival of Barcelona programme. Now, the door to this roof opens once more for an exhibition on the creation of Capricho, including a commentary by the artists who created the work. This activity will also feature a tasting of wine and tapas introduced by the sommelier Carles Mira.


Artistic card

Creació i direcció: Joan Català i Carrasco ; Intèrpret: Joan Català i Carrasco ; Assessorament artístic: Melina Pereyra, Jordi Casanovas, Pablo Molinero, David Climent (Los Corderos) ; Mirada externa: Melina Pereyra, Jordi Casanovas, Pablo Molinero, David Climent (Los Corderos) ; Producció en gira: Melina Pereyra ; Producció i distribució: Gabriela Marsal, Leila Barenboim (Mika Project) ;

Creació i interpretació: Cecilia Colacrai, Mireia de Querol, Anna Rubirola; Col·laboració artística: João Lima, Federica Porello; Edició d'àudio: Pablo (Mo) Ramírez; Veu en off: Cristina Carrasco; Vídeo: Pablo (Mo) Ramírez, Tristán Pérez Martín, Alba Suñé; Fotografia: Pablo (Mo) Ramírez, Tristán Pérez Martín, Alba Suñé;

Creació i interpretació: Pol Jiménez ; Percussió: Dani Tejedor;

Amb: Inés Boza, Carles Mallol, Mercè Recacha, Carme Vidal.;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    from 6 to 10 pm
  • Space

    Diversos espais

  • Duration
    240 min
  • Price
    e10 (on sale from: