Cafè Amèrica

  • Activitats paral·leles

Catalunya Ràdio also takes part in the Grec Festival of Barcelona, this year it will be talking about North American culture and its great influence in our lives and ways of doing. The ear and the word are the tools used in this programme to immerse us in a poetic journey through America and the American imaginary based on music, stories and interviews.

A programme thought, written and managed by Joan Ollé and David Guzmán

Duration: 1 hour
Radiocast period: Sundays, from 16 June to 1 September. From 16 june to 21 July, 22 h. From 28 July to 1 September, 24 h.


  • Schedule
    Radiocast period: Sundays, from 16 June to 1 September. From 16 june to 21 July, 22 h. From 28 July to 1 September, 24 h.