THE CADELA FORÇA TRILOGY: Chapter I - The Bride and the Goodnight Cinderella

  • Teatre

Carolina Bianchi y Cara de Cavalo

A performance that transits through layers of temporalities. A bunch of layers of women's corpses. The news of the rape and death of an artist giving a performance related to the belief in human kindness is the origin of a tapestry of stories that have in common narratives of rape followed by femicide.

Carolina Bianchi premieres in Spain with this performance. On stage with the collective she leads, Cara de Cavalo, she creates a journey into an abyss, a hole in the middle of the desert, a dive into a glass of a rape drink - a descent into hell. “Resurrecting a performance -says the artists- in an attempt to find clues to an enigma so difficult to name, of a memory so incomplete to touch. What is the void between sleep and death? What does this sleeping body dream of?  How to go through this fragmentation between memory and dream, between imagination and feasible reality? What is done with all this information? What happens when someone survives?”

Carolina Bianchi is a Brazilian theatre maker, writer and performer currently based in Amsterdam. Her works depart from a crisis perspective to launch confabulations about gender, sexual violence and art history. Her staging is a combination of different references from literature, cinema and painting, filled with musical mashups, and a constant confrontation with everything that seems to be an absolute truth.

This first chapter of the trilogy, which will be followed by The Rape Scene (2024) and The Broderhood (2025/6), is Carolina Bianchi’s latest creation with Cara de Cavalo, a collective which she works with and has so far produced the shows O Tremor Magnífico (2020), LOBO (2018), the performance Quiero hacer el amor (2017) and the lecture-performance of Mata-me de Prazer (2016).

A Metro Gestão Cultural (Brazil), Carolina Bianchi y Cara de Cavalo production.

Coproduced by: Festival d’Avignon, KVS (Brussels), Maillon, Théâtre de Strasbourg - Scène européenne, Frascati Producties (Amsterdam). 

The show will be premiered on the 6 July 2023 at Festival d’Avignon.

Residency to finalise the piece and set construction: La FabricA, Festival d’Avignon.

Residencies: Frascati Theater, DAS Theatre (Amsterdam), Festival Proximamente/KVS (Brussels), Festival 21 Voltz/Central Elétrica (Porto), Pride Festival (Belgrade), Greta Galpão (São Paulo) and Espaço Desterro (Rio de Janeiro).

With support of: Ammodo Foundation, DAS Theatre Master Program, 3 Package Deal of the AFK - Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst / Coalition: DAS Theatre, NDSM and Over ’t IJ Festival, Theater Der Welt​, Kaaitheater.

Artistic card

Artist: Carolina Bianchi y Cara de Cavalo. Conception, text, dramaturgy and direction: Carolina Bianchi. Dramaturgist and partnership in continuous research process: Carolina Mendonça. Cast: Blackyva, Carolina Bianchi, Chico Lima, Fernanda Libman, Joana Ferraz, José Artur Campos, Larissa Ballarotti, Marina Matheus, Rafael Limongelli. Technical direction, sound design and original music: Miguel Caldas. Set design and art: Luisa Callegari. Light design: João Rios. Videos and screenings: Montserrat Fonseca Llach. Karaoke video: Thany Sanches. Costumes: Tomás Decina, Luisa Callegari, Carolina Bianchi. Art assistant and general artistic collaboration: Tomás Decina. Dialogue on theory and dramaturgy: Silvia Bottiroli. Artistic collaboration: Edit Kaldor (tutor at DAS theatre). *Translation of texts into English and revision: Luisa Dalgalarrondo, Marina Matheus, Joana Ferraz, Larissa Ballarotti. Collaborations in body and voice training: Pat Fudyda, Yantó. Car construction: Xavier Rhame, Lionel Petit, Philippe Bercot, Mathieu Audejean, Pierre Dumas, Miguel Caldas, Luisa Callegari, João Rios. Stage manager and production support: AnaCris Medina. Local production: Carlota Guivernau. Production director and Tour manager: Carla Estefan. International management and diffusion: Metro Gestão Cultural (BR). 

*The text of this performance was also built from many conversations with writings of many authors. We highlight the collaboration of the actress Blackyva in her text in the second part of the show, an excerpt by Renan Marcondes and his text Foto Fantasma e os presentes da performance, Nathalie Léger and her book The White Dress, the bibliography of Roberto Bolaño, writings of Saidiya Hartman and the work of anthropologist Rita Laura Segato.
