
  • Teatre

de Michael Frayn

David is an architect who has just won the contract for an urban housing project in South London and is torn between restoring or demolishing the area. However, whilst he has to choose between two contrasting options in his work, his personal life also requires important decisions. His own environment is at a critical point. The author of Benefactors is Michael Frayn. Here, as in other works, Frayn takes a wry look at human relations, on this occasion using the constructive and restorative properties of comedy to deconstruct our everyday lives.

Artistic card

Direcció: Manel Dueso; Traducció: Joan Sellent; Intèrprets: Mercè Anglès, Anna Güell, Josep Julien, Albert Ribalta; Disseny d'escenografia: Deborah Chambers; Disseny d'il·luminació: David Bofarull; Disseny de so: Bàrbara Granados; Disseny de vestuari: Míriam Compte; Producció: Soles Velázquez; Disseny gràfic i vídeo: Jordi Llorens (Gataro); Fotografia: David Ruano; Management: Anna Garcia; Ajudant de direcció: Vicky Mulló; Ajudant de vestuari: Nídia Tusal; Caracterització: Toni Santos; Agraïments: Roser Musoles, Teatre del Sol (Sabadell); Direcció artística: Josep M. Coll; Premsa: Joan Estrada;


Michael Frayn


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    Sala Muntaner

    Carrer de Muntaner, 4, 08011 Barcelona, Espanya

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