From B to B

  • Dansa

Àngels Margarit / Thomas Hauert

Coming from different backgrounds and belonging to different generations, Àngels Margarit, a Catalan choreographer, and Thomas Hauert, a Brussels-based Swiss choreographer, have each developed their own distinct and genuine artistic voice. Despite their common fields of interest, as well as some surprisingly related artistic quests, many of the creative methods they apply differ radically. Seeing each other dance spurred their desire to work together. From B to B evokes a journey from Brussels to Barcelona, but it could also refer to a place, B, that each of the artists have reached in coming from A via their individual life paths. Their separate points of departure contain the potential for each to be the other’s next destination.

Artistic card

Creació i interpretació: Thomas Hauert, Àngels Margarit; Il·luminació: Jan Van Gijsel; Música: Joan Saura, Altres músiques; Textos: Màrius Serra; Altres textos: Àngels Margarit, Thomas Hauert; Vestuari: Rosa Codina; Objectes: Pere Milan; Attrezzo: Pere Milan; So: Marc Ases; Producció: Dominique Bernat; Administració: Montserrat Llabrés, David Márquez (Ángels Margarit / CIA Mudances), Helga Duchamps, Denis Laurent (ZOO-Thomas Hauert); Fotografia: Rafael Vargas;


Àngels Margarit / Thomas Hauert


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm.
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price