¡AY! ¡YA! (AI! JA!)

  • Escena híbrida

L’Antic Teatre, al Grec 2018

The independent Barcelona scene has its stage at the Antic Teatre which, one more year, participates in the Grec by contributing with some of the most innovative and risky proposals of the moment.

¡AY! ¡YA! is an illusion that leads us to perceive reality in different ways suggested by the imagination or caused by deception to the sense of sight. A piece for all audiences. An excuse to meet again.

The proposal is signed by a versatile visual and scenic artist who has created everything from live films using photographs, to intergenerational laboratories where children and adults could experience creative processes together.

A production of Antic Teatre in co-production with el Grec 2018 Festival de Barcelona.
With the collaboration of: Gobierno Vasco and BAD Festival of Drama and Contemporary dance of Bilbao, Graner, centre de creació, Sala Baratza, and La Fundación Bilbao.
In cooperation with Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

Show selected to join the european network Pyrenart (2018-1019 season).

Artistic card

Concept: Macarena Recuerda Shepherd Creation: Idurre Azkue, Alberto de la Hoz and Macarena Recuerda Shepherd, with the collaboration of Sofía Asencio Sound space: Alberto de la Hoz Costume: Hacheintercalada Lighting: Conrado Parodi Ilustration: Josunene


  • Dates
  • Space

    Antic Teatre

    Carrer Verdaguer i Callís, 12, 08003 Barcelona

  • Duration
  • Language
    Espectacle sense paraules
  • Price
    10 -12