Aüc. El so de les esquerdes

  • Dansa

Les Impuxibles / Carla Rovira

Actions, dance, text and live music are the tools used in a multidisciplinary show about the many guises of sexual violence and what it means for those who suffer it.

Aüc is what is felt between the seams of silence and rage. It is the silenced scream or lament in our everyday lives. It is an uncomfortable but necessary place. This show deals with the forms of sexual violence, invisible due to ignorance, connivance or terror, which are diverse and far more widespread than we care to imagine. The audience is invited to inhabit this Aüc, in a revolutionary act in which five actresses share their stories and experiences in order to change everything and dispel the fear.

A psychologist, a survivor of sexual violence, a sociologist, a dancer, a musician, a producer and a performer, all feminists, sit around a table. Thus begins a show that steers well away from clichés: it does not talk only about rape or sexual assault, but it goes further and places the emphasis on less obvious but omnipresent forms of violence. Music, dance and text are mixed up and merged in a production in which the poetics of movement plays an outstanding role and helps to deal with a subject that is particularly difficult to bear, whist the music draws emotional maps on stage shared by most of the survivors of this kind of experience.

Les Impuxibles, an artistic team formed by dancer Ariadna Peya and musician and composer Clara Peya, joins forces with the actress and creator Carla Rovira, the author of the piece Most of all, you’ve got to hide it from the chicks, a coproduction by FiraTàrrega 2015 and Antic Teatre for which she won the Sebastià Gasch FAD Prize for Emerging Creative Talent in 2016.

Artistic card

Autoria i direcció: Les impuxibles (Clara Peya i Ariadna Peya) / Carla Rovira; Text i dramatúrgia: Carla Rovira ; Interpretació: Ariadna Peya, Clara Peya, Júlia Barceló, Olga Lladó, Maria Salarich; Direcció coreogràfica: Ariadna Peya; Composició i interpretació musical: Clara Peya; Escenografia: Sarah Bernardy; Vestuari: Núria Llunell; Disseny de la il€luminació: Jordi Berch ; Disseny de so: Josep Sánchez-Rico; Ajudantia de direcció: Gràcia Camps; Producció i distribució: Gràcia Camps ; Assessorament a la dramatúrgia: Marta Mariñas, Glòria Casas, Abril Frías; Assessorament artístic: Arantza López; Comunicació: Elena Gisbert;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Wednesday to Saturday, 9 p.m.; Sunday, 7 p.m.
  • Space

    La Seca - Espai Brossa

    Carrer dels Flassaders, 40, 08003 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price
    12-20 €