Apadrina un creador

  • Altres

Antic Teatre / Animal Religion / Pere Faura

As part of their joint artistic project "Apadrina un artista", two venues committed to exploring new forms in the performing arts, the Nau Ivanow and the Antic Teatre, host an event designed to show audiences the work of playwrights and performers and to call on them to become involved.

The following three performances will be presented in the session at the Antic Teatre:

20 pm: Ritme en el temps, by Antic Teatre, Isabel Ollé and Quim Cabanillas
A community art project by the Antic Teatre and people from the Casc Antic (“Old Town”) of Barcelona. Through dance and movement, this stage work seeks to encourage each of the participating senior citizens to recover their memories of the Sant Pere neighbourhood and, by extension, Barcelona’s old town.

20.25 pm: Indomador, by Cia. Animal Religion
Once upon a time there was a pig boy. Brought up in abundance by his mother, he turned into a cockerel who loved all the hens. He knew that the next step was to become an ox like his father, but he was scared to death. Vertical bars, acrobatics with heels, spoon up nose, cockerel crows, animal sex, a savage dance… An impossible superman, an unacceptable animal, an “untraining” trainer!
A project by the company awarded the Antic Teatre and La Central del Circ   grant for creation and coproduction.

21.10 pm: Todos al patio, by Pere Faura
An improvised, multidisciplinary show in which the spectators decide what they want to see. Like a market for ideas and suggestions, the performance begins with an exchange between cast and audience to jointly decide, from amongst a number of elements, which should give the show its structure.

Box office proceeds will go entirely to the performing artists.

Artistic card

Intèrprets: Veïnes del Casc Antic, Isabel Ollé, Quim Cabanillas, Antic Teatre; Organització: L'Antic Teatre, Isabel Ollé i Quim Cabanillas.; Amb la participació de: Veïns i veïnes del barri de Sant Pere i del Casc Antic de Barcelona. ;

Intèrpret: Companyia Animal Religion, Quim Girón; Idea original: Quim Girón; Ull exterior: Alba Sarraute; Tècnic de llums: Joanna Serra; Tècnic de so: Joanna Serra; Vestuari: Maria Bartrons;

Idea i direcció: Pere Faura; Intèrprets: Pere Faura, Anna Rubirola, Claudia Solano Watson; Vídeo: Joan Escofet; Música: Sergi Faustino; Il·luminació: Israel Quintero; Producció: Pere Faura, Antic Teatre;


Projecte artístic comunitari de l'Antic Teatre / Animal Religion / Pere Faura



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm
  • Space

    Antic Teatre

    Carrer Verdaguer i Callís, 12, 08003 Barcelona

  • Duration
    120 min
  • Price
    e9 (including refreshment)