Animales nocturnos

  • Teatre

de Juan Mayorga

A man discovers that Spanish immigration law enables him to blackmail an immigrant without a residence permit who has just come to live in the same block of flats as him. Constantly threatened with deportation, this immigrant has no choice but to obey his neighbour’s every whim, and the two enter into a master and slave relationship. In Animales nocturnos, Juan Mayorga, one of the most prolific and successful authors of the day, explores a world of shadows and secrets, a world whose inhabitants – like wary, mistrusting animals in a zoo – live a life of lies amid artificial landscapes.

Artistic card

Direcció: Magda Puyo; Intèrpret: Mercè Mariné, Pep Pla, Teresa Urroz, Pep Jové; Escenografia i il·luminació: Ramon Simó;


Juan Mayorga


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Sala Beckett

    Alegre de Dalt, 55 bis

  • Language