
  • Altres

Societat Doctor Alonso /Semolina Tomic

The spirit of live art, in which experimentation is not just an aesthetic act but the essential thing, imbues an offering that is an experimental performance halfway between order and chaos.

In this production the audience will have the chance to express themselves, not so much in words but by using the sound-making instruments that will be made available to them: a guitar, a plectrum and an amplifier per person. With these elements, the audience will be able to recreate the constant clamour that in fact usually accompanies the entire show. But these same spectators will also have the possibility of not doing anything and therefore creating a silence that the sole performer in the show will fill with her words, a text related to the anarchy referred to in the title. As she recites it, she performs an unchanging choreography of an exact duration, regardless of the silence or the chaotic sound produced by the audience.

The show is by Sociedad Doctor Alonso (Sofia Asencio and Tomàs Aragay) and performed by the actress, director and artistic programme director of Antic Teatre, Semolina Tómic, and, especially, an audience that in this show must not be inhibited. They will be constantly obliged, with their action or inaction, to make their contribution to the experience.

Artistic card

Direcció: Sofía Asencio; Dramatúrgia: Tomàs Aragay; Direcció coreogràfica: Sofía Asencio Aznar; Creació i interpretació: Semolina Tomic; Il€luminació i espai escènic: CUBE; Espai sonor: Alfonso Ferri; Producció: Imma Bové; Distribució: Societat Doctor Alonso;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    6 p.m.
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    60 min