Actes obscens en espai públic. (Maneres amenes d'esperar l'adveniment del messies)

  • Teatre

Davide Carnevali / Albert Arribas

An Italian playwright living in Barcelona with an extensive international reputation rereads Pier Paolo Pasolini's Teorema and transfers its ground-breaking force to the stage.

A bourgeois family is waiting for a mysterious guest to arrive, an intensely attractive guest, under whose spell all the members of the family will eventually fall. They will all experience this marvellous and at the same time terrifying thing called love. A love that, due to the impossibility of it being shown – that is, represented – is discovered to be ‘obscene’: in their loneliness, each member of the family will be forced to confront themselves and the consequences of their acts.

Davide Carnevali, one of the most renowned new playwrights in Europe, has been given the job by the TNC of confronting the ground-breaking force of Pasolini’s Teorema for the purpose of questioning the true political – transformative – capacity of the artistic gesture and the renewal of linguistic codes. Carnevali has reopened the play and has placed it in contact with its sources, the Holy Scriptures, at the same time attempting to establish a new dialogue with contemporary mores. This means making the play speak a full, lively and contemporary language: the aim is to create a debate with today’s aesthetics and language, which is what Pasolini wanted for his Teorema 50 years ago.

The staging is directed by Albert Arribas, who featured in the programme of the Grec 2016 as the author and director of F.R.A.U., a production bringing the literary world of Albert Balasch to the theatre.


Artistic card

Autor: Davide Carnevali, Albert Arribas; Traducció: Albert Arribas; Direcció: Albert Arribas ; Dramatúrgia: Davide Carnevali; Interpretació: Mònica Almirall, Màrcia Cisteró, Oriol Genís, Antònia Jaume, Sergi Torrecilla; Escenografia i vestuari: Sílvia Delagneau ; Disseny de la il€luminació: Ignasi Camprodon; Disseny del so: Lucas Ariel Vallejos; Assistència a la producció: Maria G. Rovelló;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Wednesday to Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 6 p.m.
  • Space

    Teatre Nacional de Catalunya (TNC)

    Plaça les Arts, 08013 Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    120 min
  • Price
    19 €