2022 Èxit Conference

  • Activitats paral·leles

The Nau Ivanow is organising a new edition of a conference that provides a meeting point for the performing arts sector, for exchanging resources and tools and encouraging discussion and debate on performing arts management.

A space devoted to support, experimentation and stage research, where theatre companies can find refuge and mistakes are allowed, the Nau Ivanow is celebrating its 25th anniversary. And it's doing so by bringing Barcelona's Grec Festival a new edition of its Èxit Conferences.

Anyone who comes to the Nau Ivanow these days and registers in advance will be able to attend a series of talks, generically entitled "Reflection and exchange on artistic support and support for projects. Emotions and gestures for accompanying the survival of the inexplicable", during which there will be discussions on creations and support for the central artists involved in them. The sessions will be run by the curators, managers and cultural researchers Isla Aguilar and Miguel Oyarzun.

The sessions will be held in the afternoon on 8 July and throughout the day on 9 and 10 July as follows:

Friday, 8 July
5 pm - 6 pm Talk by Marco Baravalle: "For a paradigm shift in art and its production"
6 pm - 7 pm Informal meetings

Saturday, 9 July
9.30 am - 10 am Coffee/breakfast
10 am to 11 am Talks from María José Cifuentes, Marcos García and another speaker to be confirmed: Support from institutions”. Conservation on support from public institutions and creation centres. With an artistic-production perspective, from research, creation, production, exhibition and distribution.
11.15 am - 12.15 pm noon Explanation of the dynamics of laboratories and table proposal
12.15 pm - 12.30 pm Coffee break
12.30 pm – 2 pm Laboratory in work tables
2 pm - 4.30 pm Lunch
4.30 pm - 6 pm Talks from Egly Larreynaga, Mabel Tapia and another speaker to be confirmed: "Support from training and in solidarity with the region". Conversation on support, taking account of the region’s problems and communities. A line of escape that is opened in the transformational power of the arts and which operates from an artistic and management activism.
6 pm - 7 pm Informal meetings

Sunday, 10 July
9.30 am - 10 am Coffee/breakfast
10 am to 11 am Talks from Martin Valdés-Stauber, Gabriela Halac and another speaker to be confirmed: “Support for creation". A conversation on artistic support for creation, considered from different aspects, such as the figure of the playwright, the model of associated artists and situated publishing.
11.30 am – 1.30 pm Laboratory in work groups
1.30 pm - 4 pm Lunch
4 pm - 5 pm Conclusions
5 pm - 6 pm Informal meetings

For further information and registration, click here.


  • Dates
  • Space

    Nau Ivanow

    Carrer Hondures, 28, 08027 Barcelona, Espanya