
Cushion customisation workshop, with drinks and snacks included

25 March, 2017 - 18:00

Cushion customisation workshop, with drinks and snacks included
Transcendent University
First Floor

As part of the Transcendent University initiative, there will be a workshop on sewing and making cushions using transfer techniques for fabric printing. The aim is to print phrases and thoughts that have arisen during the initiative with the different groups of students and professors who have been involved. There will be drinks and snacks for participants and a discussion about the work process.
The workshop has been designed for the groups of students who have taken part in the Transcendent University project but is also open to other people, who should contact the centre for more information on:

Transcendent University arose from the desire to continue the relational process that was commenced last year by Assumpta Bassas Vila (Faculty of Fine Arts, UB), Eva Marichalar-Freixa (Faculty of Education, UVic-UCC), Marta Ricart Masip (Faculty of Education, UManresa) and Judit Vidiella Pagès (ERAM, UdG), with the aim of sharing and rethinking performance and human body education that is studied as part of the respective subjects, through workshops, projects, conversations and a final exhibition on the first floor of Living In-between.

Taller transfer

Desbordar la Universidad surge con la voluntad de dar continuidad al proceso relacional puesto en marcha el curso pasado entre Assumpta Bassas Vila (Facultad de Bellas Artes, UB), Eva Marichalar-Freixa (Facultad de Educación, UVic-UCC), Marta Ricart Masip (Facultad de Educación, UManresa) y Judit Vidiella Pagès (Escuela Universitaria ERAM, UdG), con el fin de compartir y repensar les pedagogías performáticas y del cuerpo desplegadas en las respectivas asignaturas a partir de talleres, proyectos, intervenciones y una muestra final en la primera planta de Cohabitar entre-.