
What is at the bottom of the river?

Talk and guided tour for families
10 February, 2019 - 11:30 to 14:00

Designed for families and children (group limited to 20 children) 

Date: Sunday, 10 February 2019, from 11.30 to 14.00 at Espai Zero

Speakers: Alba Trueba Santiso and Ernest Marco-Urrea (Department of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, UAB) 

Dehalogenimonas: a microbe in the Besòs river that breathes pollution. We usually associate microbes with disease. However, many of them are vital to our lives: we eat products that are made using enzymes and we breathe the oxygen that they produce. This workshop/talk takes a closer look at this world of “benign” microbes and in particular, at a bacterium discovered in the Besòs river that could be used to clean certain aquifers contaminated by industrial activity. The day will be dedicated to families and the children will be the protagonists of this visit. Duae Collective will explain the project and take the children on a journey of science, art and the environment through a talk and a workshop with professor Ernest Marco-Urrea and researcher Alba Trueba Santiso. The children will be invited to draw and construct their own vision of the bacterium. The youngsters’ artwork will be on display during the exhibition. 
