
Third session of the writing workshop by Eloy Fernández Porta

After the Landscape, After the Object
6 May, 2015 - 18:30


Scott Chandler, Fordlandia, 2010-2011

To overcome the modern notion of natural landscape, born with John Constable, you must include a redefinition of the object world, the relations of goods to individuals ( if there is still a difference! ). In the field of writing , this involves a specific way to describe the form, materiality and the volume of the thing, the expressive tradition of ekfrasis. We will work based on two cases of short novel, taking as a starting point two cases of short novel, that take as a starting point material referents and develop a self-conscious second-degree literature that relates with design and art.

Reading materials: Julià Guillamon, La Moràvia (Galaxia Gutenberg). Mario Bellatin, El Gran Vidrio (Anagrama)

