
A talk by Santiago López Petit. The power of therapy.

17 June, 2015 - 19:00


pressentiment revista

What currently feeds capitalism is no longer the product of my work, but my own life. It is this managed life, put to work, which becomes unliveable. The power of therapy intervenes precisely to ensure that the mobilization does not stop, in order to (re)reconstruct normality.

Santiago López Petit estudied Chemistry and Philosophy. He was Professor of Contemporary Philosophy at the University of Barcelona. He has tried to elaborate a radical criticism of our present. His effort is directed to want to live with all consequences. He is one of the promoters of Espai en blanc and other initiatives like Dinero Gratis. He has published the following books:  Entre el Ser y el Poder. Una apuesta por el querer vivir ( Madrid 1994); Horror Vacui. La Travesía de la Noche del Siglo (Madrid 1996), El infinito y la nada. El querer vivir como desafío (Barcelona 2003), Amar y pensar. El odio del querer vivir (Barcelona 2005). El Estado-guerra (Hondarribia 2003), La movilización global (Madrid, 2009), Hijos de la noche (Barcelona, 2014). 

