Reading Group// La Trama: Models, Threads and Seeds

Reading Group on the Projected Barcelona and the Counter Imagery
19 October, 2023 to 14 December, 2023

Núria Benach i Manuel Delgado durant la sessió «Lectures crítiques de la ciutat», a la biblioteca Ignasi Iglésias-Can Fabra.

Núria Benach i Manuel Delgado durant la sessió «Lectures crítiques de la ciutat», a la biblioteca Ignasi Iglésias-Can Fabra.
Núria Benach i Manuel Delgado durant la sessió «Lectures crítiques de la ciutat», a la biblioteca Ignasi Iglésias-Can Fabra.

Imatge de la sessió «Lectures crítiques de la ciutat», a la biblioteca Can Fabra.

Imatge de la sessió «Lectures crítiques de la ciutat», a la biblioteca Can Fabra.
Imatge de la sessió «Lectures crítiques de la ciutat», a la biblioteca Can Fabra.

Models, Threads and Seeds is an expanded reading group that pitches the projected Barcelona against a popular and counter imagery. Based on the City of Sand exhibition by David Bestué, curated by Marta Sesé at the Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona, a series of encounters have been organised to bring the contents of the exhibition to the neighbourhoods of Sant Andreu and La Sagrera. Accompanied by different experts who will introduce the sessions, a discussion will then be held among all the participants. Artist Noela Covelo will collect the shared stories and give artistic form to the reports of the sessions.


Visit to the exhibition with Marta Sesé (exhibition curator)

Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona - 18.30

Materials: poems by Olvido García Valdés



Presentations and newspaper archive with David Bestué (exhibition artist)

Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona - 18.30

Materials: articles from the La Vanguardia newspaper archive



Critical readings of the city with Núria Benach and Manuel Delgado

Ignasi Iglésias-Can Fabra Library - 18.30

Materials: Márgenes y umbrales. Revuelta y desorden en la colonización capitalista del espacio, Núria Benach and Manuel Delgado (ed. Virus)



From factory to park, the case of La Pegaso, with Jordi Sànchez i Ruiz 

La Sagrera-Marina Clotet Library - 18.30

Materials: La Pegaso (parts I and II), articles by Jordi Sànchez i Ruiz from the magazine Tota la Sagrera



Closure: sharing and presentation of the session report with Noela Covelo

Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona - 18.30

Materials: Listening of the piece created by the artist





Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona

Carrer de Sant Adrià, 20, 08030 Barcelona


Ignasi Iglésias-Can Fabra Library

Carrer del Segre, 24, planta baixa, 08030 Barcelona


La Sagrera-Marina Clotet Library

Carrer de Josep Soldevila, 9, 08027 Barcelona


Registration: ​
