Process // Celleres

1 September, 2021 - 10:00 to 20 October, 2021 - 15:00

Imatge del procés 'Celleres', elaborada per Joan Escofet.

Imatge del procés 'Celleres', elaborada per Joan Escofet.
Imatge del procés 'Celleres', elaborada per Joan Escofet.

Deriva del procés “Celleres” I

Deriva del procés “Celleres” I
Deriva del procés “Celleres” I

Deriva del procés “Celleres” II

Deriva del procés “Celleres” II
Deriva del procés “Celleres” II

Deriva del procés “Celleres” III

Deriva del procés “Celleres” III
Deriva del procés “Celleres” III

Deriva del procés 'Celleres' IV.

Deriva del procés 'Celleres' IV.
Deriva del procés 'Celleres' IV.

Deriva del procés “Celleres” V

Deriva del procés “Celleres” V
Deriva del procés “Celleres” V

A process of La Trama, the culture, education and territory programme of Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona and Art Factory, curated by Transductores, with the participation of second-year Baccalaureate students from ESDA Llotja (Llotja Advanced School of Art and Design) and accompanied by designer Joan Escofet.

The proposal arose from the reflection on the archive and alternative movements of Julia Ramírez-Blanco and Paula García-Masedo in the exhibition The Sensuous Transformation and is transferred to the neighbourhoods around Fabra i Coats in the form of experiences that work with collage and the compilation of images, with the participation of Joan Escofet. 

Over the course of four sessions, the Llotja students will work on both assembly and dérive as research tools for design. They will discover initiatives such as the digital network Indymedia or the Repensar Bon Pastor project and will experiment first-hand with these tools, posing questions such as, how can we create images from the neighbourhoods? How can we design with an emphasis on the context and communities that inhabit them? What less institutionalised communication channels could be used? 

The final activity will be an installation in video format that can be viewed on Wednesday 20 October at 13.00 on the Art Centre’s ground floor.


