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New management model for parts of the city with the highest volume of tourists

Sixteen high-influx areas (EGA) have been defined, where 33 specific measures will be applied this summer. Priority will be given to the areas around the Sagrada Família, Park Güell and Gardunya-Boqueria.

Plànol de les 16 EGAs
10/06/2024 - 14:43 h - Tourism Ajuntament de Barcelona

The management plan sets out a specific model for these high-influx areas, to regulate tourism in the city and ensure its compatibility with the uses local people make of public space.

Half of the 16 areas identified are regarded as eminently tourist sites: Park Güell, Sagrada Família, Boqueria-Gardunya, Passeig de Gràcia – Plaça de Catalunya, the Gòtic neighbourhood, La Rambla, Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera, and Barceloneta.

The 33 measures to be carried out at a citywide level include:

  • Creation of a specialist EGA coordination office
  • Creation of an EGA data office
  • Additional civic officers in the summer, bringing the number to 70
  • Support programme for local commerce in these areas
  • Enforcement measures relating to street vending stepped up
  • Boost to cleaning and security operations

Media campaign

In parallel, a media campaign is being launched to help make visitors aware of the importance of having a responsible and respectful attitude towards the city, within the framework of the Pla Endreça.

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