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SHAKIN' (Sharing subaltern knowledge through and for international cultural collaborations)
Sharing subaltern knowledge with and for international cultural collaborations

Shakin’ examines the cultural knowledge and learning methods found outside the prevailing forms of schooling and professionalisation. The project promotes the inclusion and recognition of this culture and subaltern teaching through international collaborations.

The aims behind Shakin’ are to connect academic and subaltern knowledge through exchanges of research methodologies with innovative ways of thinking, learning and teaching; professionalising postgraduate students with new forms of cultural awareness; and providing support for international cooperation through projects that include subaltern perspectives.

The project’s first result, published on 12 July is Who Knows? Online In-process Handbook, an online space for international research, discussion, reflexive and critical thinking, through the deconstruction of dominant discourses and through a reinforced awareness of minority, subaltern and situated approaches.

Shakin' enjoys the support of the Erasmus+ programme from the EU Higher Education Strategic Partnerships for Innovation and is being developed by Lumière University Lyon 2, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, University of Arts in Belgrade, the Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia, the Stockholm Museum of Women's History and Le LABA.
