The Russian invasion of Ukraine began on 24 February 2022. Millions of people were forced to abandon their homes to save themselves from the horrors of the war. Many fled to the small city of Uzhhorod, in the west of Ukraine, which continues to be a fairly comfortable and peaceful city in the midst of the conflict.
The arrival of displaced people to the city has led to the launch of several community initiatives to help them and bring them a different environment. The group has been playing an active part in general: they are working in soup kitchens for migrants, weaving camouflage nets, entertaining and educating young children and organising cultural events.
Vyacheslav Yehorov, a local activist who provides immigrants with help and promotes children's recreation, decided to realise his dream of staging Shakespeare's King Lear, with a cast made up of displaced persons. The play will enable them to find a new world framed by war in themselves as well as their destiny, whereas the director will bind the response to the eternal question of what love is and why this world must not die.