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Habitar el palacio
Habitar el Palacio
Towards a collective strategy for activating cultural lives in Vall del Jerte

Habitar el palacio is a citizen process for activating unfinished architecture. A public building designed as a convention centre in the agricultural county of Vall del Jerte has been left unused for more than ten years now, far removed from its original project and without a management model having been set down by the Administration. Habitar el palacio aims to establish a collective use for it and turn into a space for community-culture experiences.

Vall del Jerte is a county in Extremadura with a population of 11,000 and whose agricultural cycles set the pace for work and life there. Habitar el palacio is being implemented in eleven municipalities in the county, with populations ranging from 300 to 2500, to establish collective work dynamics by thinking up and drafting a shared cultural policy, built bottom-up.

Habitar el palacio coordinates and accompanies the process for rethinking and activating cultural proposals for the future of this space. Its educational approach is intended to bring citizens closer to the centre and sow the seeds of its future lives there. A place for making proposals for activating local culture, in favour of living conditions, and establishing collaborative dynamics that strengthen social and cultural ecosystems in the area.
