Apropa Cultura is a network of theatres, auditoriums, museums, festivals and unique spaces in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, which provides people in vulnerable situations with access to culture and the arts to improve their quality of life.
Cultural facilities offer their regular programmes to individuals assisted by organisations and social centres, at Apropa Cultura’s spaces reserve 2% of their programmes’ places in these organisations and offer tickets at a maximum price of 3 euros. The network thereby dignifies the individuals and normalises their full inclusion through culture, connecting social organisations with the facilities.
The programme was created in 2006 at the Auditori, in Barcelona. It has expanded its scope of action since then and now also offers training sessions in accessibility and diversity, artistic training and activities adapted to the needs of the network’s groups. Apropa Cultura was set up in the Balearic Islands in 2021 and is expected to open up in other communities as well.
So far more than 375,000 cultural experiences offered by 145 facilities have been enjoyed by users. More than 2,500 social centres and organisations have signed up to the programme.